
外研版七年级英语上册 Module1 动画、音频、知识点及模块测试汇总

初中之友 2023-02-11



☞ 一年级  二年级 |  三年级

 四年级 |  五年级 ☞ 六年级

 七年级 |  八年级 ☞ 九年级




01Module  1单词


Chinese [,tʃai ni:z]  n.中国人;汉语


from [frɒm; frəm]  prep从……来,来自

where [weə]  adv 在哪里,去哪里

year [jɜ:, jiə]  n.年龄;年

about  [ə baʊt]  prep大约

What about 怎么样

Ms [miz] 女士

America [ə merikə]美国;美洲

not [nɒt] 不,不是,没有

England [ iŋglənd]英格兰

hi [hai] 嘿、喂

American [ə merikən] n.美国人;美洲人


our [aʊə] pron.我们的

grade [greid] n.年级

he [hi:] pron.他

China [ tʃainə] 中国

everyone [ evriwʌn] pron. 大家;每人

capital [ kæpit(ə)l] n.首都;省会

but [bʌt; bət]  conj.但是,然而

very [ veri] adv.很;非常

big [big] adj.大的

city [ siti] n.城市

small [smɔ:l] adj.小的

first [fɜ:st] adj.第一(位)的,首要的


first name 名字

last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的;最末的

last name 姓

all [ɔ:l] pron 每个;全体


Module 1 Unit 1 

Module 1 Unit 2



1. come from 来自  

be from 来自

2. Nice to meet you./It s nice to meet you./Good to see you.很高兴见到你 

3. welcome sb to somewhere 欢迎某人来到某地

4. Class One Grade Seven  七年级一班

5. the capital of   …...的首都/省会

6. family name 姓 

given name 名 

last name 姓

first name 名 


1. I’m Chinese, and I’m from China. = I’m Chinese, and I come from China.) 

    我是中国人, 我来自中国.

2. ---Where are they from? =Where do they come from? 他们来自什么哪里?

    ---They are from America.=They come from America.) 他们来自美国.

3. ---How old is that man? 那位男子多少岁了?

    ---He is forty-four. 他44岁.

4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven. 这些学生在七年级五班.

5. Tom is in Class One with Lingling.=Tom with Lingling is in Class One.

    =Tom and Lingling are in Class One. 汤姆和玲玲在一班.

6. What about you?=How about you?=And you? 你呢?/你怎么样?

7. Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7! 欢迎来到七年级六班。

8. Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。

9. Good to see you.=Nice to see you.=Glad to see you. 很高兴见到你。

10. I’m Tony Smith. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. 

    我是Tony Smith,Tony是我的名,Smith是我的姓。


II.Choose the best answer. 25%

1. The girl is from________ and she is ________.

  A.Japan; Japanese     B. English; England

  B. American; America D. Chinese; China

2. This is a photo_______my family.

  A. at   B. for   C. of   D. in

3. Mum, _______is my pen friend, Lucy.

  A. she    B. her    C. hers    D. this

4. A: What language does he speak?

  B: __________.

  A. Australia    B. American

  C. French      D. Germany

5. A: __________late for school next time.     

  B: Sorry, I won’t.

  A. Don’t     B. Aren’t    C. Don’t be    D. Be

6. I go to school ________8 o’clock in the morning.

  A. at     B. in     C. on    D. for

7. A: Do you know _______lady in blue?

  B: Yes. She is a teacher in our school.

  A. the    B. a    C. an    D. /

8. A: Who’s the girl over there?

  B: Sorry, I_________know.

  A: am not    B. am    C. do    D. don’t

9. A: Your coat is very nice.

  B: __________.

  A. Yes, it is.        B. That’s OK.

  C. That’s right    D. Thank you.

10. A: What’s this in English?              

   B: ____________a bike.

   A. This is    B. Its    C. It’s    D. That is

11. The boy practises__________football evey day.

   A. play    B. to play    C. playing    D. played

12. ________he good at playing basketball?

  A. Does    B. Has    C. Is     D. Will

13.__________are six and four?

  A. How many    B. How much

  C. Which          D. How

14. We’re in __________.

  A. one class      B. first class

  C. One Class    D. Class One   

15. Who do you look _______ , your father or your mother?     

A.on   B. to   C. like   D. up

16. You can do _____.

   A. that like it    B. it like that

   C. it like it      D. this like these

17. Shang hai is one of _________cities in China.

A. big   B. bigger C. biggest  D. the biggest

18. Miss Gao will teach ____ English next year.

A. our     B. we    C. ours    D. us

19. The _____ letter of the names should be in capitals.

A. first    B. one     C. last     D. later

20. --What are the students doing?               

    --They are _____ about the new school library.

A. saying  B. talking   C. speaking  D. telling

21. --Is Daming a new comer of your class?

    --Yes, he is. _____ I knew him two years ago.

 A. And   B. Or     C. But    D. So

22. -What’s that on the desk?

    --It’s _____ English dictionary. It’s _____ good friend of mine

 A. a, a   B. a, an     C. an, an     D. an.a

23. -- Is it your ticket?

    --No, ____ is in my pocket. It’s _____.

A. mine; her       B. my; his      

C. mine; hers     D. my; hers

24. ________ there a chair and two desks in the classroom?

A. Is     B. Are   C. Does     D .Be

25. We can’t call Joe Green _________.              

A. Joe               B. Miss Joe       

C. Joe Green    D. Miss Green

III. Cloze test. 10%

    Mr Read  1   from London. Now he is in China. He is  2   . He teaches  3  a middle school. He works very hard. His students like  4  very much. He can   5  a little Chinese. His students often teach him Chinese   6  Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football, He often plays football   7  his students.

Mr Smith   8  a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school   9   his bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes  10  TV in the evening.

1. A. come   B. comes  C. are     D. coming

2. A. a farmer  B. a worker   C. a driver    D. a teacher

3. A. on   B. in   C. at    D. from

4. A. he   B. him  C. she    D. her

5. A. say   B. talk    C. speak    D. tell

6. A. at   B. on   C. of     D. in

7. A. for   B. to  C. with    D. at

8. A. has   B. have  C. there is    D. there are

9. A. on   B. by   C. in    D. of

10. A. seeing    B. looking   C. watching   D. looking at

IV. Reading comprehension.


My Name Is Very Very Long

    Tom and Fred are students.They are twelve years old, and they are in the same class in their school.One afternoon,they had a fight in class,and their teacher was very angry.He said to them, “Stay here after class,and write your names one hundred times.”

    After class,all the other students went home.Tom and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher.They began to write their names.Then Fred cried.The teacher looked at him and asked, “Why are you crying?”

    “Because his name is Tom May, and my name is very, very long. My name is Frederick  Hollingsworth,” Fred said.

1.Tom and Fred are ______________.

A.brothers       B. classmates    

C. friends     D.twins

2.One afternoon, they ___________in class.

A. had a test     B. had a party     

C. had a fight  D. had a meeting

3.The teacher let them_________ after class.

A.go home       B. stay at school    

C. do some cleaning    D. cry

4. Fred cries because _______________.

A. his name is very,very long

B. he likes crying

C. he doesn’t like his name.

D. he likes Tom’s name


    There should be more after-school activities for students in China. But there are not as many sports facilities(设备)in Chinese schools as there should be. Most students would like a school with a swimming pool, a tennis court, and a football field, but now, there are only playgrounds for students at most schools. They think the school should give more places and activities for them, and even hold some parties like the USA. With all these rich and colouful school activities, there will be fewer students staying in the net bars(网吧) after class or during the holidays.

1. “After-school activities” here doesn’t mean ________.

A. do sports after class          

B. go to libraries after class

C. join some clubs after class     

D. go shopping after class

2. There are_______sports facilities in Chinese schools_______there should be.

A. more, than     B. less, than     

C. fewer, than     D. as many, as

3. From the passage we know that________schools often hold parties for students.

A. Chinese       B. American     

C. French        D. Canadian

4. Which of the following is not true?

A. Almost every school in China has enough sports facilities.

B. There should be more after-school activities in China.

C. Some children stay in the net bars because they don’t know what to do after class.

D. After-school activities are good for children.

V. Write down the missing word in each sentence. 10%

1. She teaches Chinese. She’s a t______.

2. The student is twelve y_______old.

3. The teacher writes on the b____.

4. Let’s p____reading English in the morning.

5. Seven and six is t______.

6. The boy is from China and h______name is Daming.

7. We are good f______. We can help each other.

8. There are t______months in a year.

9. My telephone n_____is 234-764.

10. I’m from China and I’m C_______.

VI. Fill in the blank with the proper forms of the given words. 20%

1. Sandy comes from ______(English).

2. She can ______(speak) English well.

3. Tom ______(watch) TV every night.

4. _____your brother_____(do) his homework after supper?

5. There ______(be) some rice in the bowl.

6. Let her ____(read) a story for us.

7. _____(not sit) down, please.

8. Lucy with her sister ____(go) swimming every day.

9. He ____(not have) breakfast in the morning.

10. Here_____(be) a card and a bunch of keys for you.

11.Now we can fly to many _____(city) from Tianjin.

12.Mr Green ___(be) born in a small town of ___(American).

13.Beckham is the ____(one) name of the famous football _____(play).

14.The shop is _____(close) now. It ____(open) at 10:30 every


15.Miss Wang usually gives ___(we) four English ___

(lesson) each week. But this week we have six.

VII.Choose the words from the box to finish off the sentences below. Remember to write in correct forms. (Two items are extra.) 4% 

practisest    and    upread    listen to    write 

open    close    match    meet    come 

1. We ______the teacher when she reads the text in class.

2. Tina _______with a pencil at the moment.

3. Will you please_____the door? It’s too hot.

4. The teacher askes us to _____the words in box A with those in box B.

5. The shop_____at all, for it opens 24 hours.

6. I’m going to England this smmer, so I have to _____my English.

7. Let’s ______ at the school gate tommorrow morning.

8. David _____from America. He’s English.

VIII. Gap-filling. 10%

    In America each student works as hard as he or she wants in high school. If they don’t work h___1___ enough to get good grades, they will not pass. If they fail, they might not g___2__ into the college(大学) they want to. However, in high school you have more t__3___ to do things than in college. Many students t___4__ part in hobby groups. Other students go in for s__5___such as football, baseball orbasketball. Almost all high schools have sports teams. A__6__ students usually get their first job when they are in high schools, though(尽管) the j__7_ aren’t very good. For e___8___, a lot of students work at fast –food restaurants. In A___9___ high schools, fashion seems very important. If you don’t have the n___10__ and coolest clothes as those children who certainly already have them, they will think you are not cool.


 II.Choose the best answer. 25%

1-5 ACDCC 6-10 AADDC11-15CCBDC 

16-20 BDDAB 21-25 CDCAB

III. Cloze test. 10%


IV. Reading comprehension. 16%

1-4 BCBA   1-4 DCBA

V. Write down the missing word in each sentence. 10%

1. teacher  2. years  3. blackboard

4.practise  5. thirteen  6. his  7. friends

8. twelve  9. number  10. Chinese

VI. Fill in the blank with the proper forms of the given words. 20%

1. England  2. speak  3.watches  

4. Does, do  5. is  6. read

7. Don’t sit   8. goes 9. doesn’t have  

10 . are  11. cities  12. was; America   

13. first; player  14. closed; opens

15. us; lessons

VII. Choose the words from the box to finish off the sentences below. Remember to write in correct forms. (Two items are extra.) 4%

1. listen to 2. is writing  3. open  4. match

5. doesn’t close  6. practise  7. meet  8. doesn’t come

VIII. Gap-filling. 10%

1. hard  2. get  3. time  4. take  5. sports

6. Also  7. jobs  8. example  9. American 10. newest




